The Do’s & Don’ts of Packing Your Child’s School Lunch: Braces Edition

February 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 3:24 pm
a child with braces eating pasta for lunch

Did your child just get braces to help straighten their teeth and set their smile up for success as an adult? While their new oral appliance may cause them some discomfort and tenderness to begin with, there are some ways you can off-set this and help them effortlessly glide to the finish-line of their treatment, like packing braces-friendly foods in their lunchbox! Read on to learn what foods they should be avoiding and what ones are great choices.


Learn More About Your Kiddo’s Smile During Children’s Dental Health Month

February 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dailysmilesmacarthur @ 2:09 pm
a child smiling and brushing their teeth in the bathroom

This month is Children’s Dental Health Month in Irving, making it the best time to learn more about your little one’s growing grin, teach them healthy oral habits, and maybe even get them some new oral hygiene products to celebrate! Growing smiles are delicate and vulnerable, which is why there’s no better time to begin teaching them about their oral health and hygiene when they’re young, so they can build healthy habits to preserve their smile for a lifetime. Read on to learn more about your child’s growing smile and some oral health tips you can teach them in February!
